
Name Description Keywords
Calendar of Events Dynamically generates a calendar interface for navigating a list of events. cal-events
Country Content A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed-in content based on a visitor's country as determined by country-content
Data Ajax A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed-in content. data-ajax
Data Inview Displays an overlay when a section moves out of the viewport. data-inview
Data Picture Event driven port of Picturefill data-picture
Equal height A plugin for responsive equal height. equalheight
Favicon This plugin provides the ability to add and update the favicon's on a web page. favicon
Feedback form Allows users to submit feedback for a specific Web page or Web site. feedback
Feeds Aggregates and displays entries from one or more Web feeds. feeds
Footnotes Provides a consistent, accessible way of handling footnotes across websites. footnotes
Form validation Provides generic validation and error message handling for Web forms. formvalid
Lightbox Helps build a photo gallery on a web page. lightbox
Menu Provides an interactive menu with optional sub-menus. menu
Multimedia Player - Audio-only Provides an accessible audio player for embedding audio into web pages. multimedia
Multimedia Player - Video Provides an accessible multimedia player for embedding video into web pages. multimedia
Multimedia Player - YouTube Provides an accessible multimedia player for embedding YouTube video into web pages. multimedia, youtube
Overlay A flexible, responsive overlay plugin. overlay
Prettify Provides syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an HTML page using google-code-prettify. prettify
Session Timeout Helps Web asset owners to provide session timeout and inactivity timeout functionality. session-timeout
Share widget Facilitates sharing Web content on social media platforms. share
Tabbed Interface Dynamically stacks multiple sections of content, transforming them into a tabbed interface. tabs
Tabbed Interface - Carousel Dynamically stacks multiple images and captions into a carousel (or slider) widget. tabs, carousel
Tables Integrates the DataTables plugin into WET providing searching, sorting, filtering, pagination and other advanced features for tables. tables
Text highlighting Automatically highlights certain words on a Web page. The highlighted words can be selected via the query string. texthighlight
Toggle Allows a link to toggle elements between on and off states. toggle
Twitter embedded timeline Helps with implementing Twitter embedded timelines. twitter